Finding Sheds

Finding Sheds

adminadmin February 2, 2024 shedding, Whitetail

Finding shed antlers from whitetail deer can be an exciting and rewarding activity. Here are some tips on where to look for whitetail sheds:Winter Feeding Areas:Focus on areas where deer gather to feed during the winter. Look for feeding areas with a mix of grasses, agricultural crops, and natural

Whitetail Shedding

Whitetail Shedding

adminadmin February 2, 2024 Events, shedding, Whitetail

Whitetail deer, like many other deer species, go through an annual antler shedding process. Here’s a more specific overview of the antler shedding process in whitetail deer: Antler Growth: Whitetail deer typically begin growing their antlers in the spring and summer months. During this time

Post Rut Whitetail Behavior

Post Rut Whitetail Behavior

After the rut (breeding season), the lifestyle of whitetail deer undergoes several changes as they transition into the post-rut period. Here are some key aspects of the whitetail deer lifestyle during this time: Energy Conservation: The rut is a physically demanding period for bucks, as they engage

Magic of the Whitetail Rut

Magic of the Whitetail Rut

adminadmin November 1, 2023 Rut, Whitetail

The whitetail rut, or the breeding season of whitetail deer, is a fascinating and magical phenomenon in the natural world. It’s a period marked by unique behaviors and events that capture the attention of wildlife enthusiasts, hunters alike. Here are some aspects that contribute to the magic